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How To Run A Successful Fundraising Campaign (4 Important Tips)

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Raising funds is an art that’s sometimes hard to master. What’s more, there's a lot of planning required to ensure success. The many little details can get a little overwhelming, from the writing of a campaign page copy to the segmentation of email lists and the collection of graphic assets.

No doubt, fundraising campaigns differ from one another, but some practices run through all of these different types. If you’re looking to run a fundraising campaign, but you’re not sure where to start, this article offers four important tips to ensure your campaign not only runs smoothly but also brings in a lot of revenue while engaging all of your supporters.

  1. Have a Soft Launch

When fundraising for an event, campaign, or project, there are various ways to build momentum to ensure things run smoothly before the due date. One of the best ways is via a soft launch. In a soft launch, smaller groups of your dedicated supporters are hosted for an introduction to the impending event, project, or campaign. Most often, the guests of a soft launch are usually stakeholders. Sometimes, even family and friends of campaign stakeholders are invited.

These guests are then encouraged to get the word out via peer-to-peer fundraisers. Using text message donations for nonprofits is also worth bringing up during the soft launch, and any bugs, broken links, and errors in the messages can be corrected before the main event.

  1. Keep the Brand Visible

Keeping your brand front and center is important when trying to run a successful fundraising campaign. As a nonprofit, you need to build a lot of trust with your supporters, and the best way to do that is via strong brand positioning. Keep the little details of your brand, like your brand's colors and logo, unified and consistent at all times. Your messages across social media must also be recognizable, consistent and highly relevant.

  1. Educate Your Fundraisers

If you choose to go the peer-to-peer fundraising route, you’ll need to educate your fundraisers and equip them with the necessary resources to guide their efforts and drive them towards successfully meeting their targets. This is because, with peer-to-peer fundraising, you can find yourself in a hit-or-miss situation. If 500 people have fundraising pages, but only 100 raise some money, you're less likely to hit your overall target. Teaching them how to reach out and secure donations is critical.

  1. Link Donations with Impact

When a donor believes that their support is making a huge difference, you can be fairly certain they'll be willing to contribute repeatedly. When there's apathy within your organization, donors aren't likely to give because they don't think their donation makes any tangible difference. Show your donors how their gift is changing the world. Highlight the impact in your emails and written appeals, using vivid photos and descriptive text.

When planning a fundraising campaign, there are many other tips and strategies that every nonprofit can benefit from. Running a successful event takes a lot of effective application of proven practices and the readiness to put in a huge amount of work.

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