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UK Inflation Falls To 7.9%: How Should Your Company React?

For UK businesses in 2023, the cost of living and the rise of inflation has been one of the predominant challenges to navigate.

According to recent research, 20% of small UK businesses fail in their first year, with 60% of small businesses failing within their first three years. With the added pressures that economic instability brings, it is more important than ever to conserve costs and explore multiple revenue streams.

That being said, last month, it was revealed that UK inflation was sitting at 7.9%, which is a fall of 0.8% from the month before. While businesses and consumers are likely to still struggle amid higher prices, this is an indication that the current inflationary tide is already beginning to turn – faster than

But how should your business react to news like this? Does the drop in inflation mean that your business should start changing strategies, or is it important to hold the same line and await further developments?

Investments For 2023
With the economic outlook looking a little brighter, there’s nothing stopping your company from placing down a few investments to guarantee growth. One of these investments can be put into the sales team, with new training to boost engagement and efficiency in their tasks. 

You can also provide new resources to aid team members in improving their skills and knowledge, with ongoing coaching and support to build their confidence and refine their techniques.

Of course, there are a number of other sales incentives ideas to look into, but additional training is one of the best investments to grow productivity and revenue – and without having to go through the costs of acquiring new skilled workers.

Confident, But Not Overconfident
With that last point in mind, many companies react to a better financial climate by trying too hard to reach the potential they think their business deserves. While the potential of your business might not be tapped due to current financial circumstances, that doesn’t mean you should abandon your position because a gap appears in the clouds.

No one can predict where the economic landscape will be in the next few months, let alone the next year, so it is not wise to see the outlook of last month as a legitimate indication of the future. Hiring new staff, attaining new tech, or even expanding office space can be an expense that eventually

Of course, the drop in inflation was bigger than expected, but if your existing strategies have worked while the economic climate has been poor, then the same strategies can work as it makes its way out of the danger zone. In this way, it is important to hold the line while making smart investments
that will aid your company in the long run – no matter whether the economic situation falls back to the way it was in June 2022 or it improves even further.

As always, it is up to you to keep an eye on inflation, recalibrate whenever you can, and reposition the brand if things get drastically – and more reliably – better further along the line.

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