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Investigative journalist Adele Ferguson on the 'disappointing' banking royal commission and how she works with whistleblowers

  • Written by Andrew Dodd, Director of the Centre for Advancing Journalism, University of Melbourne

Today on Media Files, it’s journalism versus the big banks. We’re hearing from Adele Ferguson, the celebrated journalist who many credit as the driving force behind the banking royal commission.

Adele Ferguson is a reporter with the Sydney Morning Herald and the Age and a columnist for the Australian Financial Review. Over many years, her reporting has exposed the way financial institutions have flouted the rules and how regulators like the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) have consistently failed to hold financial institutions to account.

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Additional credits

Producers: Andy Hazel and Gavin Nebauer

Theme music: Susie Wilkins.




  1. ^ here (

Authors: Andrew Dodd, Director of the Centre for Advancing Journalism, University of Melbourne

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