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4 Essential Cleaning Hacks for Your Home

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There are inevitable instances that your home becomes a mess. Despite your effort to clean, your house still gets dirty and messy. Fortunately, there are essential cleaning hacks to make your home fresh, clean, and sparkling without much effort.

Let’s discover them below.

Baking Soda and Vinegar for Unclogging Your Sink

Using baking soda and vinegar to unclog your sink might be an old method, but it’s an effective cleaning hack. It’s simple and practical yet does wonders. You just need to combine baking soda with at least 1/3 cup of vinegar, and such mixture will instantly fizz. For best results, it must be immediately poured down the drain. Some people may think that this combo won’t work, but many can attest to the powerful punch of baking soda and vinegar when cleaning and unclogging sinks. If you haven’t tried this yet, now is the right time.

Lemon and Salt for Cleaning Your Chopping Board

Washing wooden cutting boards with water and soap is crucial to keep them clean. However, if deep cleaning or removing pesky stains are required, lemon juice and coarse salt can be your secret weapons. Just sprinkle the salt and rub the sliced lemon on the board. The salt works as an abrasive, lifting the stains, while the lemon juice acts as a freshener. If you use lemons and salt, expect no chemicals, stains, and foul smell to be left behind the chopping board.

Baking Soda for Cleaning the Sofa

An easy and effective hack to clean your sofa can actually be found in your kitchen cabinet. Baking soda is known for its wide range of uses at home, particularly baking. This is inexpensive and even considered by many as miracle powder because it can get rid of mould from the bathroom tiles, absorb foul odour, as well as remove odours and stains from your sofa.

Baking soda is extremely versatile, and combining this with water can easily dissolve grime and dirt for more effective and easier cleaning. This powder also has lasting effects on upholstery. Baking soda neutralizes fabric odours by reacting with foul particles and other acidic scents on upholstery.

Robot Cleaners for Easier Clean Up

Robot cleaners are a modern cleaning hack for your home. There’s no need to do the cleaning manually because there are robot cleaners to do the job for you. For instance, you have a pool at home. Instead of sucking dirt and debris as well as scrubbing the walls and surfaces in the pool area, a robot swimming pool cleaner can perform exceptional pool cleaning and achieve great results.

These are just some of the most effective cleaning hacks for your home. They are inexpensive and yet effective, so you get the best of both worlds.

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