3 Signs That May Indicate You Have Skin Cancer
- Written by NewsServices.com

Skin cancer is characterized by abnormal growth and change in the skin, resulting in the skin’s inability to function correctly. There are diverse forms of skin cancer, and they all have lethal effects on how the skin functions. Some kinds of skin cancer can be spotted early, while others take time to surface.
However, distinct signs surface when an individual has skin cancer or has the tendency to develop skin cancer. These signs are spotted by regular skin examination. If the results of the skin examination show that these signs are present, then a biopsy is conducted to diagnose the kind of skin cancer and how to contain it. This article will discuss more things you should know about the skin cancer diagnosis.
What Is Skin Examination?
Skin Examination involves a thorough check of the body for distinct signs that increase the risks of developing skin cancer. These thorough checks can be done by self or by specialists (dermatologists).
Signs Of Skin Cancer
When conducting a skin examination, there are specific signs to look for. These signs include:
Moles: There are two kinds of moles, namely: miles that were there from birth a d the ones that appear after birth. The two kinds of moles need to be observed closely. Moles indicate the development of skin cancer when the mole is asymmetric, has irregular borders, has uneven color, increased diameter, and is changing. Another sign is when more than 50 miles are present on the body, and it keeps spreading.
Burns, ulcers, and wounds: The skin naturally produces hormones that allow wounds, burns, and ulcers to heal and close. The presence of skin cancer affects the rate at which these hormones are produced; thus, when you notice that burns, ulcers, or wounds refuse to heal or take a longer time to heal, the risks of developing skin cancer are high.
Abnormal growth: When you notice abnormal growth of substances on the skin that was not there, then the risk of developing skin cancer is high.
Steps For Skin Examination
Self-examination: this should be done regularly.
* Using a full-length mirror in a well-lit room, check for any of the above signs. If present, visit a specialist immediately.
* The area to check includes the chest, neck, arm, legs, face, back, heels, beneath the breast (for ladies), behind the ears, and palms and feet.
* With the aid of a small mirror, check parts that you cannot see clearly.
Specialist Skin Examination: This is done by a skin cancer specialist when the individual notices signs that they cannot explain. The specialist diagnoses if there is skin cancer or not. The instrument used by the specialist when examining is dermoscopy.
Skin Cancer Diagnosis
The specialist uses dermoscopy to observe for signs on the skin. If the signs are spotted, the specialist then conducts a biopsy to diagnose the presence and level of skin cancer. The specialist also uses medical records to ascertain if the individual has a history with skin cancer causes or signs. A biopsy is a process of testing samples of the infected skin area for skin cancer.
Some kinds of skin cancer may not be spotted on the first skin examination, hence, the need to conduct regular skin examinations. Skin examinations allow the individual to spot early signs of skin cancer and take steps to control it.
If you notice an usual mole or sore on your skin, don’t ignore it. Get in touch with a skin cancer clinic today.