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Why Business Executives Prefer Meeting Sophisticated And Intelligent Girls

  • Written by News Co Media

Successful executives are very busy, and therefore date escorts from time to time due to their busy personal schedule causing them unable to date in the traditional sense. When it comes to their preferences in a girl when they are meeting social escorts, an overwhelming majority of these executives opt for a hot but sophisticated woman over a good-looking bimbo. For instance, in English speaking countries and cities in Asia which many business executives visit such as Singapore, it is the educated escort girls with university degrees and eloquent in their speech, and elegant in their carrying of themselves who get the most customers. For business visitors and expats to Singapore looking for escorts, you will realize that fellow business executive customers prefer intelligent and sophisticated ladies when booking Singapore escorts.

Just like all other types of industries, types of customers are different. However, when it comes to the higher end of the spectrum of paid companions or escort call girls, the most popular ones are the classy, elegant and sophisticated girls. These truly popular escort girls actually do not look nor behave like a typical person’s idea of a social escort, and would be indistinguishable from an eloquent model.

Unlike other demographics, top business executives more than any others are often highly educated, successful in their fields and are also often travelling or working. Even though they do not have much time dating in their personal times, and hence look for escorts as companions, just like the high standards they have in every other aspect of their lives as well, they are unable to accept mediocrity or call girls whom they are unable to connect with. Just talking to a bimbo is not sufficient, because most of the times, these executives can already easily find bimbos along the streets. However, a professional escort girl who can carry an engaging interaction and conversation on top of looking hot is rare. Therefore, these escort girls, when available, are exceedingly popular.

A businessman’s mind is always moving fast, and likewise, want to connect with a paid companion who is able to keep up. Some people may say that just being physically attracted to the other party is enough, but the reality is that that lone often is not very satisfying. Having a true connection and enjoying an encounter or a date with an escort is also about connecting on at least some level intellectually and perhaps even emotionally. Most businessmen want a social escort who simply makes them believe that she is a real girlfriend, albeit with no strings attached, rather than a cold-hearted gold digger.

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