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Humanforce founder and MD Bruce Mackenzie exits after 20 years at the helm

Bruce Mackenzie, thefounderand Managing Director of global workforce management technologycompany,Humanforce, today announced hewasexiting the business after selling his substantialremainingstake to Silicon Valley based private equity firm Accel-KKR. 


Mackenzie, who set up the business in 2002 and bootstrapped the venture for 17 years, exits with an eight-figure settlement after selling his remaining stake to Accel-KKR. 


“After twenty years in thetopjob,the time was right tofind a new challenge – something I’m very much looking forward to later this year,” he said. 


“I set up the business at a time whenhumanworkforce management techniques still used pad and pencilor Excel at best,whilestaff had to physically clock on and off and workers were paid in cash." 
“I’m incredibly proud to walk away from a business in such great shape. It’s an amazing company, with a top team. The Humanforce  SAAS solution is  being used across the globe and helps create better workplace outcomes for millions of people. 
“The gig economy is here to stay andHumanforceis ‘front andcentre’ of that movement.” 
Humanforceis a SaaS workforce management solution for contingent workforces that includescoreHR, time and attendance, rostering, employee availability and payroll data to manage and engage employees.It has clients all over the world including throughout Australia, Europe,Asiaand North America. 
MrMackenzie said he would take a short professional break before starting his next venture. 
“There’s no rest for the 'driven'. I reckon I’m good for about three months off before I begin to get itchy feet,” he said. 
“My golf game is not that good to warrant a long period of time on the sidelines.I already have an idea for my next venture, and I look forward to working on that when the time is right,” he said. 

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