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Why are Small Businesses Under-estimating the SEO Content on Their Websites?

  • Written by Andres Castro

Figures suggest that small businesses are under-estimating the value and potential of the SEO value an SEO company can add to their websites. This is having a negative effect on the success of their marketing strategies.

Andres SEO Expert - Many businesses have experienced significant trading difficulties as a result of the pandemic. Although recovery is now underway, there are still a number of barriers that combine to make successful trading a challenge. Small businesses and business start-ups are particularly badly affected.

To improve their visibility, and hopefully profitability, smaller businesses are embarking on marketing campaigns. The right marketing can make a significant difference to variables such as brand awareness, connection with a relevant audience, increasing market share, launching fresh products or services, enhancing customer engagement, and, ultimately improving the bottom line.

Unfortunately, marketing campaigns don't always achieve the desired outcomes. Even expensive campaigns that utilize popular strategies such as Google Ads or improved social media engagement can fail to deliver the sustainable growth that's needed for ongoing success. One of the key reasons that marketing campaigns fail is that the power of SEO content is underestimated.

SEO enriched content is content that's been written with the needs of both the audience and search engines in mind. Typically it contains phrases that are likely to come up in Google (or other search engines) searches. Other features of strong SEO content include backlinks, structural features of the code used in the text, appropriately titled videos, and/or other visual material.

Used correctly, content that's written with the needs of a search engine in mind is more likely to draw the attention of the complex search engine algorithms that control where sites return in searches. Given that the majority of consumers rarely look beyond the first page of search results, using SEO techniques in content to optimize its chances of returning high in search results is an important method of enhancing visibility and boosting brand awareness.

There are a number of ways in which small business owners underestimate the value of SEO content. These include: having an incomplete understanding of what's needed for content to attract the attention of search engines, a lack of awareness of realistic timescales for SEO optimizing to make a measurable difference, and insufficient appreciation of the value that SEO content can bring to a marketing strategy.

Optimizing their website for SEO is one of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face when it comes to using search engine algorithms to their advantage. Even when content is appropriately optimized, without site optimization the job is effectively only half completed. Read more about content optimisation:

Another challenge is to keep content relevant and regularly updated. Businesses that want fast results from their SEO marketing strategy may become discouraged when their traffic and conversions remain unchanged, even after months of regularly posting fresh content. It can take time for organic SEO techniques to make a noticeable difference to analytics.

Google changes the focus of its algorithms on a regular basis. This can make it difficult for business owners who aren't SEO experts to work out how to construct and present their website content so that it has optimal search engine appeal.

Although the use of SEO is an important part of a successful marketing strategy, its value can be underestimated due to the relatively long lead-in time between optimizing content and seeing results. Smaller businesses end up missing out on the benefits that a correctly optimized site and content can bring to their marketing goals.

In many cases, a professional marketing agency, such as Andresso Expert, can provide the assistance needed for smaller businesses to ensure that their website and its content are optimized for search engines in the most effective manner.

By Andres Castro

CEO & Founder of Andres SEO Expert

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