Business Daily Media

Five tips to navigate hectic city life while trying to run a business

Running a business in London can be more hectic and difficult than anywhere else in the country, especially when they are new to business and looking to cut their teeth in it for the very first time.


If that’s you, then you may be feeling a little daunted but it all, even more so if it’s your first experience of the UK capital. It has, and will continue to do so, swallow up people whole.


Post-pandemic has made challenges even more difficult, particularly as more people are already struggling with their mental health than ever before. UKAT, a mental health clinic London-based, has seen an influx of patients in recent years who have struggled to navigate busy city life and running a business.


However, there is help out there, not just in the form of mental health clinics, but also in day-to-day activities, which can help you benefit from the experiences of others, stay healthy and, importantly, take time to yourself…

Embrace networking opportunities

City life is full of networking opportunities, and while they’re largely to discuss and make business connections, you’ll also find people of all personalities looking to do exactly the same as you, navigate the running of a business in a big city.


While networking will open doors for you from a business perspective, they can also help form friendships and support networks with like-minded people who are going through exactly the same as you.

Manage time efficiently and realistically

There are only so many hours in a day, and within that day it can’t all be work. Utilise tools such as calendars and scheduling apps for your working day and prioritise tasks as well as set realistic deadlines as to not overwhelm yourself or others within the business.


Managing time efficiently isn’t only about getting everything done for when you need to do it, it’s about looking at your diary with perspective, and limiting stress to ensure that work gets done properly and to the best quality.


Communication is key in this, and by being organised from the off you can limit the amount of time you’re sat by your desk, stressed and working out of hours, which is extremely damaging for our mental health.

Use lunchtimes to reset

Too many people power through lunchtimes, but the truth is we need to eat and we need screen breaks if we’re going to increase productivity and the quality of our work. Many studies have found that extra screen breaks are healthy and more productive, so take them and use the time wisely.


Of course, eating is certainly a priority, but activities such as yoga, meditation and going to the gym can be really beneficial in switching off for a while, reducing stress and returning to work fresher and ready to hit the afternoon hard.

Be sensible with pub culture and have time to yourself

There’s always been this sentiment of “work hard, play hard” in big cities, particularly London and it’s thriving after-work pub culture. But while it can be good to socialise after work with colleagues and friends, you do also need to find a balance.


You don’t want to burn the candle at both ends. This can be hugely detrimental to your physical and mental health, as well as to your business when you’re showing up to work the next day tired, and likely hungover.


Limit the amount of time you partake in such activities and importantly, take time for yourself and your family. We all need a break and finding time to relax and enjoy the things you enjoy doing is only going to help you navigate the business world in the big city in a much, much more efficient and confident manner.

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