Business Daily Media

Top 5 Indicators in Trading

  • Written by Anna Melnikova

Indicators help traders to conduct technical analysis of price charts, find trends, understand where oversold and oversold areas are, and adjust their actions, depending on the data received.


The DeMarker indicator shows the current position of prices by comparing them with the previous period. It also helps analyze market conditions and identify potential pivot points. The indicator belongs to normalized oscillators and pays great attention to intermediate lows and highs.


The indicator Alligator signals the start of a new trend. When it happens, you can see average lines moving. The closing or crossing of the blue, red, and green lines on the chart indicates a dormant state of the Alligator, and the longer it stays in this position, the more active the forward movement will be after “waking up.” When the lines begin to converge again, it is worth closing positions and taking profits.

Williams Fractal Indicator

Williams fractal indicator is another invention of the exchange genius Bill Williams created specifically for newbies to study the market, calling for their own experience and knowledge instead of blindly copying the schemes and results of other traders.

The indicator helps to study in detail the current situation on the market, see the opening and closing levels, volumes, and time. The opening price speaks of the point of balance between buyers and sellers at the time of the start of trading; the closing price helps to determine the point where the parties have reached equilibrium. The high price signals the highest rally formed by the bulls, and the low price signals the low point at which the bears transferred positions to the bulls.


Turtle is an excellent example of a system that offers a trending strategy on daily charts. It signals the direction of the line's movement better than the moving average and helps to keep positions in the trend as long as possible, which brings significant profits. Turtle trading indicator allows you to close losing trades and keep open those that are in the direction of a strong trend and allow profits to grow. At the same time, it immediately cuts off hopes for a chart reversal where this is impossible, and thus, losing trades can be closed with minimal losses. On the other hand, it doesn’t allow you to close profitable trades until they bring the maximum possible profit.


The Forex ZigZag indicator helps to correctly analyze and interpret charts and see price changes in time, as well as to determine the current trend and draw its line. It looks like a line connecting the lows and extremes of prices on the chart, which helps to navigate the price movement, and when working with Elliott waves, zigzags make it possible to filter out minor noises on the charts and determine the corrective or moving structure of the wave.

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