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Tips For Improving Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

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No one wants to pay high energy bills, but beyond that, we also want to do better for the environment. One of the best ways to do this is by improving our home’s energy efficiency in whatever ways we can. There are several ways, both big and small to improve energy efficiency and even eliminate energy use.

We’ll cover some of the more common solutions that homeowners can make to find make a difference in their energy usage and how to implement them. Find on a lot more about the best ways to tackle power over-consumption and which ones would be the heating equipment you might want to get replaced at home.

Service Your HVAC System Regularly 

Probably the simplest and most obvious solution, making sure your HVAC system is in good repair will improve your home’s heating and cooling and by extension your energy efficiency. Units can become clogged, run low on freon, or encounter other problems that reduce their heating and cooling capacity over time. This drives up energy usage and energy bills in conjunction with one another. Not only that, the longer a system goes without maintenance, the more poorly it performs until it eventually breaks down entirely. If you encounter problems with your HVAC system, call the emergency AC repair Scottsdale experts immediately.

Make sure that you are aware of an hvac parts store near me in case you run into some troubles with your system at odd hours or on holidays when you might not be able to call in the experts. If you have been using your HVAC system for a long period, you might have to store some parts in your home on an emergency basis. You can also stay in touch with the parts store owners in case you need additional assistance.

Not only does your home use more energy with an improperly maintained HVAC system, failure to update your HVAC to a more energy-efficient model or making changes like updating your ductwork and venting, or setting your thermostat based on the season instead of trying to keep it a constant temperature year-round will all help improve energy efficiency. Consider also combining this repair with a good energy plan for your area. By comparing electricity providers in your state, you can select the best plan that best suits your needs and budget.

Change to Energy Efficient Insulation 

This is a more costly solution but converting your existing insulation into energy-efficient insulation can cut your energy bills by as much as 30%. This translates directly to increased energy efficiency overall. The cost of this higher-grade insulation can be a bit off-putting at first, but the savings will come back quickly and the improved durability is an added benefit to standard insulation. 

There are several types of insulation and all of them are measured by what is known as an R-value. The higher the R-value, the better the insulation is. Many of these newer types are also moisture and rot-resistant, giving them added value beyond just the energy efficiency. 

Install Solar Panels 

This last option has become much more affordable in recent years. Home solar systems take up much less space and can offset a good portion of your energy usage, depending on weather and other conditions. Additionally, the inclusion of microinverters improves energy production and efficiency even in shaded or cloudy areas. 

Some homeowners have been able to offset their energy usage entirely and return energy back to the electric company resulting in not only zero energy usage but a net profit that leaves them in a better position as well. This is the most effective solution out of the ones on our list and also very cost-effective. 

Even if you can’t implement all three of these solutions, just making one small change can make a difference in your energy usage and your energy bills. 

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