5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Commute
- Written by News Co

The commute can be one of the most frustrating things about working. It's time you could be using to do things you want to be doing, not sitting in a traffic jam.
What if you could make your commute much more efficient, though?
Let Someone Else Take the Strain
Your commute can take up a huge amount of time, so why not take the most stressful element out and let someone else take the strain of getting you to your destination. By using public transport, or a service like premierminicabs.com, it allows you to sit back and relax rather than worry about traffic.
It might cost you a little bit more, but the benefits can far outweigh the costs, turning your commute into a useful part of your day.
Get Ahead
Your commute is a part of your working day, so why not use it to get ahead and get a few extra jobs done? If you're spending an hour or more each day commuting, then that's a lot of time you can use to get some more work in.
An hour a day works out at 20 odd hours a month, which means you can get an extra two days' worth of work done. Modern technology means we can get our job done from anywhere, so take advantage of it.
Do What You Love
If you love watching movies, or listening to music, or knitting, then do those things!
There are lots of different activities you can do to make your commute more enjoyable, so discover the ones that work for you. This is time where you would perhaps rather be doing something other than traveling to work, but it's still time you can use to enrich your life.
Find the things you enjoy, and then see how you can incorporate them into your commute.
Switch Off Completely
Work can be tough. Sometimes you want to switch off and have a few moments to relax before and after your day.
Your commute can be the perfect opportunity to do this. If you're in a busy carriage, then invest in some noise-canceling headphones, put on some relaxing music, close your eyes, and take a moment to get lost in yourself.
We lead such busy lives that we need moments where we can switch off, and your commute can offer you time to do just that.
Catch Up with Family and Friends
Technology has made it very easy to keep in touch with family and friends, and yet, at the same time, it feels like we're so busy that it's easy to lose track of people.
If you've got a long commute, then it can be a good time to check in with family and friends and see how they're doing. It's nice to check in and see what people are up to, and your commute can be the perfect time for this.
All it takes is a few messages or a call, and suddenly, your commute is done.