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Business Marketing


6 Advantages Of Investing In Responsive Web Design

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Google announced in 2015 that it’d prioritize mobile-friendly, responsive websites when ranking articles in search engine results. Since then, responsive web design has gained popularity among website owners and marketers.

Companies, regardless of the industry, are working hard to ensure their sites are responsive to increase their chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages. Ensuring that your website loads quickly on any screen means more web users can access your site hassle-free. This is especially important now that many users browse the internet using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. If you need help to make your website responsive, consider the services of web development in Melbourne and others to advise on what you should do to have a responsive web design.

But those aren’t the only benefits of having a responsive web design. There are many other advantages of investing in responsive web design, as you’ll see below:

  1. More Mobile Traffic

One of the advantages of having a responsive web design is increased mobile traffic. Ideally, most internet users use a mobile device when browsing the internet or finding something to buy.

In a 2018 survey, about 57% of all global traffic came from mobile devices. This translates to more than half of the internet traffic, which presents a huge business growth opportunity. That said, it’s best to ensure that your website can be viewed from all devices, including mobile devices, without resizing the site elements or experiencing slow load times.

  1. Better User Experience

Investing in responsive web design means an improved user experience. One way to tell what experience users have on your site is by checking on the time they spend on your site. If users make a lot of effort navigating your site, they’ll likely leave it and head to another.

On the other hand, if your website adjusts to match the screen it's being accessed on, this will improve usability, leading to a better user experience. Users can easily access menus and links, as well as fill out forms, increasing their time on your site.

As a marketing tool, your website is critical to the results you get from your marketing efforts. Without optimizing your site for mobile, you’ll miss mobile traffic, which means fewer conversions and sales. Fortunately, you can correct this by investing in responsive web design.

  1. Faster Load Time

How fast your website loads is important to both users and Google. In fact, most internet users are likely to leave one site and head to another in the search results if it takes more than five seconds to load. Again, this translates to a loss of traffic and conversion opportunity.

Luckily, a responsive web design is optimized for speed. When your site loads faster, users can navigate easily to find what they're looking for.

Another best thing about responsive design is you don't need to create two versions for your desktop and mobile websites. With a single website version, your teams will use less time and resources to manage the site, unlike when you have two websites. This means you’ll spend less on maintenance, which improves efficiency.

  1. Better Ranking In Search Results

Besides increased load times, responsive web design means better SEO. Ideally, Google now considers website responsiveness as one of the ranking factors when providing results to a search query. That means Google might rank a non-responsive website lower in the search engine results page than a page with a responsive page design.

Of course, Google considers many other factors when determining where to rank a page in search results. Still, given how Google prioritizes user experience, this isn’t something to be ignored.

  1. Increased Conversion Rates

As mentioned earlier, a responsive web design means people spend more time on your website. In turn, this helps build trust and improve the user experience. Increased trust and better user experience help build the ground for a better conversion rate—whether making a purchase, booking a call, or signing up for a newsletter.

  1. Increased Social Sharing

If your website loads faster and provides a good user experience, more people access it, which increases their chances of sharing it. Therefore, consider having responsive content alongside responsive social media buttons to allow people to share your content on social media platforms even when using mobile devices.

This will help expose your content to new audiences and increase the chances of conversions. Besides, increased social engagement helps build credibility, which may impact your search engine ranking.


These are the advantages of investing in a responsive web design for your business. Consider redesigning your website if it's unresponsive to take advantage of these benefits, including boosted traffic and increased conversions.

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