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The Future of the Workplace

Recent years have seen a major change in the labour market. Workplaces are moving from a strict 9 to 5 office setup to a more flexible environment. Based on the current business and technology trends, the way employees work will completely change within the next decade and far from resembling how it is today.

Stemming from the pandemic, working from home is more than just a temporary measure to keep businesses operating; it is also a paradigm shift for how businesses are conducted. The pandemic has definitely promoted a faster shift towards the future of work. And the companies that evolve and create the necessary operational resilience are the ones to survive this new reality.

What is a Hybrid Work Model?

With businesses figuring out that they could maintain productivity no matter where their employees worked from, the hybrid workplace is rapidly becoming the norm for businesses of all sizes. Accenture’s Future of Work Study found that 83% of workers preferred a hybrid work model.

A hybrid workplace, unlike the more traditional workspace, supports both in-office workers and remote workers alike. This arrangement steers away from the ‘one employee-one assigned desk model’ toward a more fluid and flexible workplace design. Hybrid work models can be beneficial for increased productivity, employee retention, employee satisfaction, better collaborations and work relationships, and improved mental health outcomes for employees.

Are shared office spaces viable?

The key benefit of shared office space is the flexibility that it provides, be it the scalability, cost options or financial commitments. Sharing office space with the right people increases productivity and makes collaborative work easier.

However, it can be stressful if there isn't enough desk space to accommodate everyone and if there are too many people in one place at the same time.

What the Future of the Workplace looks like?

After the pandemic, a major percentage of working force appreciated returning to work with a hybrid schedule. Depending on their needs, they could come into the office a few times per week for face-to-face collaboration and work remotely the rest of the time for flexibility and focus. Renting hot desks and well-equipped conference rooms when needed is one of the solutions used by hybrid workplaces.

What is Hot Desking and is it an option?

Hot desks are workplace systems in which employees can use desks at different times depending on its availability. By making use of the hot desking model, businesses are able to maximise their space, enhance desk efficiency, and reduce real estate costs.

Business owners who have downsized due to the COVID-19 pandemic and find that their current office space no longer suits their needs should consider hot desking. It is also an ideal solution for start-ups and scale-ups that face daily changes in staffing and space needs. Go for hot desking if you are opening a new branch in a different location and want to get the feel of the area without investing in commercial space.

Ideas for Business Productivity Improvement

Determining your workplace of the future should be driven by the needs of your employees. One of the best benefits of implementing a hybrid work model is creative collaboration. In terms of value for money, shared office spaces are clearly superior to traditional office spaces.

From enhancing employee productivity to space utilisation to increasing cost savings and improving employee engagement, hot desking has a range of benefits for your company and team members alike.

Whether you’re considering hot desking or looking for shared office spaces, introduce a workplace model where your employees are not constrained by physical spaces, but rather empowered to do their best work wherever they may be.

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