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Are You a Divorce Lawyer? How to Use Social Media to Inform About the Effects of Divorce

As a divorce lawyer, you may have a lot of experience with divorce and its effects. This is typically information that the average person may not be aware of, and that could prove beneficial to them. Social media has become extremely popular over time, and so it's easy to see that this would make an amazing avenue to share information. Read on to see some of the ways in which you can use social media to share information about the effects of divorce with the public and leave more people informed while improving your business at the same time.

Share Short Videos

Many people on social media find it easy to interact with videos, which is why it's a good idea to try and put your information across in the form of short videos. Doing this will put you in great company since 60% of businesses plan on increasing their Instagram budget. Another 40% of them plan to use some of their budgets for LinkedIn, Youtube, and Facebook. Find the best platform to use based on the specific demographic that you hope to reach. This may take a bit of research and it can enable you to have a massive impact as you'll share information and interact with a good number of people. Find out the best type of videos and the right layout so that you can make sure you're sharing quality.

At the beginning, you could try making your own videos as you gauge the impact that they have and exercise with different techniques and details. As you get better and start to widen your reach, you can invest in the services of a professional who will help you produce better quality. They'll also share beneficial insights with you and make it easier to reach even more people.

Share Infographics

Another amazing way to reach many people as a divorce lawyer is to share infographics. These can go a long way to make your information easier to digest. As is the case with videos, you can do the first ones yourself and outsource them to an expert as you get better and increase your reach and engagement. You can share facts such as that the average age of women who are going through their first divorce is 40 years and any other interesting information you can find. Putting it in the format of an image with good graphics may make it easier for the public to digest.

Write Listicles

Last but not least, you can write listicles and share these posts on social media platforms like Facebook. Doing this will enable you to reach a good number of people and you can be sure that you'll have an impact on them. From their comments, likes, and other feedback that they leave on your posts, you can find out what you need to adjust, if anything. You can even start discussions in forums on social media by posting a short question as the introduction to an informative post. For example, you could ask something like, did you know that divorce is significantly associated with an increase in alcohol abuse and anxiety, according to the National Library of Medicine? The interaction that follows may help people learn a lot that they didn't know as others may also share their own experiences.

Make use of social media with the methods outlined above to share information about the effects of divorce with the public. A good number of people are bound to appreciate the fact that you're sharing such knowledge with them for free. As a result, your business may end up getting more clients as they'll find you to be a helpful professional in many ways.

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