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8 Tricks To Increase Creativity in Your Office

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Every office needs things such as fire prevention systems and water coolers. However, the way you decorate the office might vary based on the business you're in. Companies have started investing large amounts of money in finding that perfect interior setup that would motivate workers to be more productive while making them feel at home.

Office interior design is especially important in creative industries. If you have to come up with numerous ideas during the day, you need to be in an environment that stimulates your brain. Unfortunately, creating the optimal interior can be a bit tricky because we all have different creative triggers. Although a specific environment might help one of the employees, it might be counterproductive for others.

Anyway, based on numerous data, these are the 8 best tricks to increase creativity in your office.

  1. Stimulate cooperation

Having an open space instead of cubicles is nothing new. This approach is especially important in industries where employees have to work together for optimal results.

While open spaces are generally good for creativity, they won't work for all employees. In fact, all the chatter might affect their productivity as it becomes harder for them to focus. Ideally, you should make your offices as open as possible while also having some closed spaces where some of the employees can retreat to.

  1. Try to reduce stress

Stress is a mind-killer, and this is most obvious within work environments. Not only are people less productive when stressed, but they are more likely to change companies.

One of the best ways to tackle the issue is by creating a healthy environment with numerous windows, plants, and lots of sunlight. People react well to the natural environment, so make sure to add as many elements of nature as possible.

  1. Experiment with furniture

Standard cubicles and desks are a thing of the past. While some people might still prefer such an environment, you should try and experiment with different approaches.

Adding hot desking, couches, standing desks, and big joint tables might be the thing you're looking for. These types of environments are ideal for different characters, catering to hyperactive, social, and laid-back individuals. However, make sure to retain some standard desks, as well.

  1. Reduce clutter

Some employees claim that having numerous objects on their desks helps them focus and that it increases their creative juices. However, experts suggest otherwise. All these small items can be a distraction, preventing you from focusing on the task at hand.

It is hard to say which statement is true. Ideally, you should try both approaches. If you do decide to have clutter, make sure to keep colorful, nice-looking items around. For example, collectibles and other small toys could be cool, but having garbage lying around doesn't help anyone.

  1. Implement open-door policy

Open doors create an impression of inclusion. Everything is transparent, everyone is approachable, and employees are stimulated to share their ideas. This is especially important for timid members of the team who otherwise feel reluctant to share.

It is a small trick that can completely change the way people think in the workplace.

  1. Think about the colors

Adding various colors can improve the creativity of the team. We are visual beings, and we like to be stimulated through all of our senses. Vision is especially important, and everything that we take in from the outside can affect our brain in a positive but also negative way.

  1. Create a game room

Having a game room or play room is extremely important. It provides a place of solace for all the employees when they are fatigued. Relaxing the body also relaxes the brain. It displaces you from the office to another place where you will feel more comfortable, and this is when the ideas happen.

Not only is the game room important for relaxation, but it also allows you to brainstorm with coworkers in a comfortable environment.

  1. Inspirational messages can work

Although inspirational messages have become a somewhat obsolete concept, they can provide extra energy to some of the workers. Keep in mind that people can draw inspiration from various things such as photos, paintings, drawings, and other types of art.

In a way, your walls can be a canvas for ideas and stimulation. Every small space can be utilized in a creative way. Having just a few paintings can make people feel at home as if they're not in an office, and they're not constrained by deadlines. Just this small switch in the head can increase productivity tenfold.

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