MYOB and Smiling Mind expand free Small Business Program to provide additional support for SMEs

Business management platform MYOB, along with Smiling Mind, creator of Australia’s number one mindfulness app, have added four new mindfulness modules to the free Smiling Mind Small Business Program. The additions are specifically designed to bolster the mental health of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), helping business owners manage stress and build resilience, as well as providing balance in their work life.
A recent MYOB survey of 257 small business owners and operators found that 61% agree that running a business has had a direct impact on feelings of anxiety or depression. In the last 12 months, 56% of survey respondents report running their businesses has caused them stress, 50% have faced anxiety, and 25% have experienced depression.
The key business-related cause of mental health challenges for respondents was COVID-19 and its wider economic impact (25%), followed by financial concerns or cashflow (20%).
With mental health an ongoing concern for small business owners, MYOB’s Chief Employee Experience Officer Helen Lea says it’s more important than ever for SMEs to have free access to preventative tools.
“Running a small business is incredibly rewarding, and the sector provides a valuable contribution to the country and our economy, however it’s no surprise that mental health remains one of the top pressures facing small business owners,” Ms Lea said.
“Since our partnership with Smiling Mind began in 2019, we’ve seen SMEs encounter significant challenges. On top of COVID-19, businesses are now working through supply chain issues, cost of living increases, and staff shortages and absences.
“These all highlight the need to arm business owners with free resources that can help build their mental health resilience.”
Dr Addie Wootten, CEO of Smiling Mind, said: “This research highlights the impact running a business can have on SME owners and operators. Preventative action, and free resources like the Small Business Program, can help the country’s 2.4 million small business owners. The latest modules have been specifically tailored around common pain points to strengthen the mental health of this significant group of Australians.”
The new modules now added to the Small Business Program include:
· Rhythmic breathing to target stress management
· Mindful reminders to help users build resilience
· Nourishing and draining activities to support stress management
· Identify your values to strengthen relationships and assist with work life balance
The free Smiling Mind Small Business Program is available now. For more information visit