How a Virtual Event Company Helps You

In the world impacted by and recovering from COVID-19, the event organising industry has been one of the most adversely affected. The nature of organising has changed in the short-term and now in-person events are often accompanied by virtual events, which have numerous advantages of their own, but are still relatively new and not understood by many who are just used to hosting in-person events.
If virtual events are still quite new to you, then you need a virtual event company to help you with your projects. They will bring numerous forms of assistance to your event beyond just enlightening you as to how virtual events are run either as stand-alone events or parallel events to larger in-person ones.
Here are some of the many ways a virtual event company will help you
1. They Will Help You Make the Most Out of Your Virtual Event
In terms of using your budget, online infrastructure, social media channels and other resources, a virtual events company will know exactly how to channel those resources to maximum effect. When you have no experience, you can end up spending too much on areas that don’t matter, and not enough on areas that do. Imagine spending huge sums of money on custom animations for digital attendees to see before they sign in, only to then discover your bandwidth is too low and you can’t accommodate people who want to see the event.
2. They Know How to Maximise Attendance
Virtual event companies know which channels to tap in order to attract relevant and useful visitors to your online virtual event. They can use targeted invitations or more open invitations sent to the right groups. This means that a virtual attendance can contain just as many relevant industry individuals as you want at your event, and not simply “room fodder.”
3. They Have the Technology to Help the Event Run Smoothly
In many ways, running a virtual event does simplify things, but that doesn’t mean there are no dangers or pitfalls. An event company knows these and will never underestimate their likelihood to potentially spoil your event. For instance, low Internet speeds, poor servers and other online infrastructure will lead the event video to lag or be in constant “buffering” mode, which is a huge turn-off for online users.
There’s also the issue of cyber-security, and if there’s any whiff of scamming, phishing, or unsavoury users present trying to use the event to their advantage, it will tarnish your reputation. Once again, the technology of the event company will help.
4. They Will Save You a Lot of Time and Energy
If you’re inexperienced with virtual events, you’ll spend so much of your time and energy trying to figure them out that you’ll wonder why you didn’t just hire an events company to help in the first place. They have all the infrastructure, equipment, layouts and more all lined up. You just need to explain what you want and they will make it happen while you focus on the areas where you know your strengths lie.
5. They Can Help You Collect Data During and After the Event
One of the most interesting things about running virtual events is that they can generate all kinds of interesting data in an instant, including where attendees are, how many watched certain portions of the event and for how long, how many “bounced” perhaps logging in to attend but then shortly leaving again. It can also provide the organisers with an email/contact database. Some of this you can also get from in-person events, but it’s a lot more effort to get either the same or less information from people. You can even poll people during a virtual event and get a raft of opinions to use in future research.
The virtual event data allows you to dissect the event section by section according to viewing figures, comments and responses. You simply don’t get this from an in-person audience that is “forced” to attend much of what happens.