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Hiring Headaches: 5 Simple Tips for Avoiding Costly Recruitment Mistakes

Recruiting new employees can be costly in terms of both time and money. You can spend thousands of dollars and countless hours on job ads and training with no guarantees that you’ll end up with a loyal, long-term employee. 

As recruitment processes can also be quite complex, many business owners have made their fair share of mistakes. By examining and learning from these errors, you’ll be better positioned to avoid them, saving you time, money, and stress. The following five tips should help:  

Consider Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

You might not know how to promote diversity in the workplace, but that doesn’t mean you should bypass it during the recruitment process. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) can be crucial for your business’s future success. In fact, it can positively impact company culture and be a key reason for higher productivity and happier employees. 

Fortunately, writing inclusive job descriptions isn’t complicated. You can create a more inclusive workforce by including these aspects in your new job ad: 

  • Minimize gender coding
  • Be inclusive of candidates with disabilities
  • Identify possible cultural and racial bias
  • Outline your policies and benefits
  • Limit corporate jargon 

Create a Clear Job Description

Outlining the finer details of any role within a business can be complicated. This is especially true if a position is wide-ranging. However, try to be as detailed and accurate as possible to avoid disappointment for yourself and your new employee. 

Many businesses make the costly mistake of being too vague in their job descriptions. If someone is hired and must do something not listed in the job ad, they may be frustrated about the job not being what they expected. Your turnover rates may then suffer. 

Run a Background Check

Background checks can be helpful for learning valuable information about an employee before they start working for you. You can discover criminal convictions, learn about their job history, confirm their qualifications, and more. Background checks can also help confirm information already included in resumes and identify any lies or missing details. 

Background checks are affordable, straightforward, and helpful. Yet many business owners don’t bother with them. By not getting one, you put yourself at risk of hiring the wrong people, which can have dire ramifications.   

Contact References

Someone can be so charming and charismatic in a job interview that you don’t see the point in contacting the references they listed on their resume. You can tell just by talking to them that they’re the right person for the job. 

That may be so, but there’s no harm in ringing their references to learn more. Former employers can have valuable insight into important hard and soft skills, helping you make an informed hiring decision. 

Perform a Cultural Fit Assessment

Applicants can be qualified and experienced for your role, but that doesn’t mean they’re the right fit for your working environment. Don’t underestimate the importance of a cultural fit assessment. Otherwise, you might struggle with workplace relationships. 

Cultural fit assessments are conducted via personality questionnaires and pre-employment reviews. They help determine whether someone will fit in with your organization’s culture. Taking this action may ensure your employees are happier, more dedicated, more likely to stay with your company, and more committed to their jobs. 

Even the most experienced business owners make mistakes during the recruitment process. Sometimes, there’s just no avoiding them. However, you can certainly improve your chances of enjoying a smooth recruitment process by prioritizing DEI, creating detailed job ads, and performing background checks, reference checks, and cultural fit assessments. 

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