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Address the Legalities of a Claim Against a Deceased Estate

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A claim against a deceased estate is when someone believes they have a legal right to receive money, property, or other assets from the estate following the death of an individual. If the deceased has left a will and/or trust outlining how their assets should be distributed, then typically any claims against the estate must be made within a certain amount of time after their death.

It is important to understand that filing such a claims against a deceased estate can be complex and might require legal counsel in order for it to stand up in court. This article will provide an overview of when and how one might make a claim against a deceased estate.

Overview of Deceased Estates

When a loved one passes away, there is usually the need to settle their affairs. This process is known as "dealing with deceased estates", and it can be complicated. In this article, we will provide an overview of the basics of dealing with deceased estates so that you can better understand what you may need to do.

First, it's important to know what assets are included in a deceased estate. Generally speaking, assets such as real estate, bank accounts, investments and personal items are all part of a person’s estate when they pass away. Liabilities such as outstanding debts also become part of the estate at that time.

The next step is to find out who is responsible for settling the estate; in most cases this will be whoever was named executor or administrator in the person's last will and testament (if any). If no executor was named or if they are unable or unwilling to act then an administrator must be appointed by a court before any action can be taken on behalf of the deceased’s estate.

Once an executor or administrator has been appointed, they have several responsibilities including: making sure that all taxes due on the property have been paid; ensuring that debts owed by the deceased are settled.

Understanding the Process of Making a Claim Against a Deceased Estate

When a person dies, their estate must go through the process of probate before it can be distributed to beneficiaries. Making a claim against a deceased estate is the legal process of seeking payment from the estate for financial losses or damages that an individual may have suffered due to the deceased’s actions while they were alive. It is important to understand how this process works and what steps are involved in making a successful claim.

The first step when making a claim against a deceased estate is to contact an attorney who specializes in probate law. A lawyer can help you determine whether you have grounds for filing a claim and advise you on how best to proceed with your case. They will also be able to provide advice on any legal requirements that must be met before filing your claim, such as giving notice of your intention to file and providing relevant documents or evidence related to your case.

Once you are ready to make your claim, you must submit it in writing with all necessary supporting documentation, such as medical bills or invoices for expenses incurred as part of the loss or injury caused by the deceased’s actions. Your lawyer will likely help prepare these documents for submission and explain any other requirements that need to be met in order for your claim to be.

Reasons for Making a Claim

When it comes to making a claim, there are many reasons why people decide to do so. From protection of their rights to compensation, the act of filing a claim can have various purposes. Here are some of the key reasons why people make claims:

  1. Protection of Rights: One reason for filing a claim is to protect someone’s rights or entitlements. This could be in terms of protecting intellectual property rights or claiming for damages caused by another party. In some cases, it might even be necessary to file a claim if your basic human rights have been violated in any way.
  1. Compensation: Many claims are made purely for financial compensation from another person or company who has caused harm in some way – either through negligence or intentional wrongdoing. This could cover anything from medical negligence, breach of contract or physical injuries sustained due to an accident or incident caused by another person’s actions.
  1. To Hold Someone Accountable : The act of making a claim can also be used as an effective tool for holding someone accountable and ensuring they take responsibility for their actions (or lack thereof). For example, if you have suffered as a result of medical malpractice then you may wish to make a claim against the doctor.

Steps Involved in Making a Claim Against a Deceased Estate

Making a claim against a deceased estate is not an easy process, and it often requires the assistance of an experienced attorney. The process can be complicated and time consuming, but if you have a valid claim it may be worth pursuing. Here are the steps involved in making a claim against a deceased estate:

  1. Determine Your Eligibility: Before you proceed with filing your claim, make sure that you are eligible to do so. This means ensuring that your relationship with the deceased was such that you would have been entitled to receive something from their estate had they passed away without leaving behind any instructions or will (intestacy laws). It is also important to check if there is any limitation period within which claims must be made.
  1. Gather Evidence: To support your case when making a claim against the deceased’s estate, it is important to collect evidence that proves your relationship or connection with them as well as any promises they may have made during their lifetime which could affect how their assets are distributed upon death. This could include documents such as marriage certificates or letters of intent outlining arrangements between both parties regarding financial matters or other agreements related to inheritance rights and obligations.

What Happens if the Claim is Successful

If you’ve been involved in an accident or suffered a personal injury, filing a claim for compensation can be an effective way to seek justice and receive fair compensation. But what happens if the claim is successful?

The first step in the process of a successful claim is to determine who is at fault and what damages have been incurred. Once fault has been established, it’s possible to negotiate with the defendant or their insurance company for payment of your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other damages. If negotiations are unsuccessful, then you may need to turn to litigation.

When your case goes before a court or jury, the burden of proof lies with you as the plaintiff. This means that it’s up to you to prove that your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. If successful in presenting this argument, then the court will award damages accordingly – usually calculated based on expenses incurred due to injury as well as emotional distress caused by said injury.

If awarded damages from a personal injury lawsuit, these will typically take one of two forms: either an actual cash settlement (known as compensatory damages) or punitive damages intended for punishment rather than direct compensation.


In conclusion, making a claim against a deceased estate can be a difficult and complex process. It is important to understand the legal requirements of making such a claim, as well as the possible ramifications of doing so. In some cases, it may be beneficial to consult with an experienced lawyer who can help guide you through the process and advise on the best course of action for your situation.

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