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Podcast Production Techniques for Any Budget

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It's 2004, and Adam Curry and Dave Winer invent podcasting. It's not until many years later that the majority of people even know what podcasting is, let alone listen to podcasts on a daily basis.

These days, it's much easier to start a podcast, and everyone from hobbyists to celebrities to business owners can have one. There were 750,000 podcasts active in 2019 alone.

So you have a great idea for a podcast, but isn't podcast production expensive? Not with this guide! Here are production techniques to create and run a podcast on any budget. Furthermore, for those interested in an interview format, check out the interview podcast steps from Libsyn, providing detailed guidelines on how to effectively plan, record, and distribute engaging interview-based content.

The DIY Approach: Low-Budget Techniques

If your podcast budget is tight, you'll probably take the do-it-yourself approach. You'll need some basic equipment, such as:

  • * A recording app or digital recorder

  • * A microphone

  • * Recording software

  • * Headphones

  • * Monitors (optional)

  • * Accessories (cables, boom arm, etc.)

Depending on your budget, you could spend a few hundred dollars or upwards of a few thousand dollars. It all depends on how much you want to spend and how you want the audio to sound. A more expensive setup comes with the benefit of high-quality audio.

If you're not using a podcast production company, you'll have to record and edit everything yourself. Self-production takes quite a bit of time, and there can be a learning curve. Prepare to spend a lot of time producing a podcast on your own.

You'll also have to pay for the software. Some options are free, while others charge a monthly fee or have a one-time payment. Weigh your options, sign up for free trials, and read reviews.

Don't forget about hosting! Hosting can cost anywhere from $5 a month to $100 a month. If possible, don't skimp on hosting.

Lastly, you need to consider promotion. You can create the most interesting podcast in the world, but if no one knows it exists, you won't have any listeners. You'll need to think about social media images, audiograms, the time required to promote, and more.

Using Podcast Production Companies: Mid-Range to Higher Budgets

If you're promoting your business or if you want your podcast to sound truly professional, we recommend using professional podcast production methods.

A podcast production team handles almost everything for you. This saves you valuable time and produces a higher quality product.

A full-production service can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $15,000 an episode. It depends on the podcast you're producing and whether you want interviews or other factors that impact price.

If you can handle some of the work yourself, you might only use podcast agencies for technical solutions. These include editing, transcripts, notes, and so on.

If you're a beginner and you want to learn how to do it all yourself, take some podcast courses. You can find plenty online, ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand.

The Best Option for Podcast Production

Ultimately, the best option for podcast production depends on your budget and how much time you want to spend on each episode. It also depends on your knowledge and how comfortable you are managing technical tasks and promotion.

We've covered some techniques for both low budgets and higher budgets, so you're sure to find a solution that works for you.

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