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Why You Should Invest in Solar Lighting

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The world is in the process of leaving regular lighting far behind as more people turn towards using more renewable, affordable, sustainable and greener energy sources to power up their homes, businesses, car parks, buildings, bridges, footpaths, gardens and yards. With electricity costs rising higher and high on a daily basis, people are choosing to invest in solar powered lighting, which has fast become one of the world’s cheapest renewable energy resources.

Solar power has changed the way people live and it seems everywhere you look nowadays you see big solar panels on the roofs of buildings in big cities, businesses and residential homes. In fact, according to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency by the end of 2020, more than 700 gigawatts (GW) of solar had been installed across the world. In terms of global electricity demand, this met approximately 3 percent.

Every year, solar power is coming down in cost, which is giving people across the world more incentive to choose a greener, cleaner, simpler and more cost-effective way of living. Orca Solar Lighting are calling on people and organisations looking to light up a parking lot or their backyard to look into solar lighting as their first option. This is due to the sustainable, cleaner and affordable impact it has on both the environment and the area being lit up.

Providing illumination and security in areas where it’s greatly needed, solar powered lighting is also a great way for many organisations to show how environmentally-friendly they are, as well as cutting down on costs and creating a pathway to a cleaner world for all. It’s not just home owners and business owners who are turning to solar power, more and more bigger organisations and local government departments are also using it to light up their car park spaces, bridges, footpaths, streets, buildings and for other much bigger projects.

What is Solar Energy?

Solar Energy may sound complicated, but the way it works is really very simple. Solar Energy is energy created by the heat and light of the sun. When energy from the sun is converted into electricity and used to heat water, air or other substances, solar power is produced. Many people use solar power as a means to reduce energy costs and access a green and clean source of electricity.

What are the types of Solar Power

Solar thermal and solar photovoltaic are the two main types of solar power technology.

  1. Solar photovoltaic

Solar photovoltaic is commonly referred to as solar PV and is currently the most widespread type of solar PV technology. Using technology (a semiconductor cell or solar PV cell) it converts sunlight directly into electricity. Typically, solar PV cells are combined in an aluminum frame and glass to form a solar panel and one or more panels can power a single light.

Photovoltaic solar is extremely versatile and is used to power anything that runs on electricity, which makes it great for use in homes, transport, large-scale solar farms or even in city buildings.

  1. Solar Thermal

A greener alternative to heaters and gas boilers, thermal solar coverts sunlight into heat. Small scale thermal technology can be used to heat solar hot water system and concentrated solar thermal harvests the sun’s heat to produce large-scale power generation.

What are the Benefits of Solar Power:

As well as being environmentally-friendly and more affordable, there are plenty more benefits to investing in solar power for your homes and businesses. It’s important to do your research to see how solar power will benefit your needs and requirements. Speaking with a professional will help you to plan out the best solution and for your home or business.

  1. Reduce Electricity Bills – Who doesn’t love a low electricity bill! One of the benefits of using solar power is that you pay less for the power you use in your home or business premises on a daily basis.

  2. Produce Clean and Renewable Energy – During daylight hours your solar energy system will produce electricity and any excess electricity accumulated is fed back into the grid. By using solar power panels on your roof, you are doing your bit to help reduce your carbon footprint and decrease carbon emissions contributing to a cleaner and greener world.

  3. Your property has more Appeal - With more and more people in the world opting for solar power, if you decide to sell your property in the future the installation of solar power systems can increase your home’s value.

  4. Energy Independence - By investing in solar power and producing your own energy, you can say goodbye to power bills and energy providers.

  5. Low Maintenance – The beauty of solar power systems is that they don’t require a whole lot of maintenance. You just need to keep them clean.

So, if you’re thinking about making the change to solar power for a large project or even your home or business. Make sure you contact a true professional in the industry, like the friendly and experienced team at Orca Solar Lighting, to assist you with making the transition from regular power to solar power smooth and easy.

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