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Perth's Optus Stadium has drawn more consumer anger after the outage. Another case of the 'stadium curse'?

  • Written by David Rowe, Emeritus Professor of Cultural Research, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University

Looming over the Swan River in Perth, a shiny sporting structure boldly declares “OPTUS STADIUM Yes”. After the disastrously prolonged communication outage this week, many will have shouted “No”, or other words requiring asterisks in respectable media.

Sport stadium naming rights are controversial at the best of times...


Celebrating Australia’s innovative, evolving and ‘loved’ local business community

Australia is a nation famous for local businesses. From the tip of Tasmania to the top of Darwin, and from the East coast to the West, retailers and mechanics, dentists and tradies are pursuing the autonomy, flexibility, and f...

Phone and internet bills are the top priorities as Aussies seek deeper connections during lockdowns

New data from bill payment and budgeting platform, Deferit, shows the bills Australians deem as most crucial to pay on time, with the telecommunications category overwhelmingly taking the top spot, especially during the months...

Sovereign Hill celebrates biggest weekend in 48 year history

Sovereign Hill is celebrating gold rush fever with over 15,000 visitors through its doors this weekend for its Winter Wonderlights Christmas in July event, the largest weekend on record at Sovereign Hill. With one week still to go...